
Songbase FAQ

About Songbase Music Publishing

  • More about Songbase
    Songbase Music Publishing is a music publishing edition founded by songwriter and composer Christian Kutschka together with Covesco Music. Here, previously unreleased and released songs created by Christian Kutschka alone or together with other authors are offered to artists.
  • Is Songbase a music publisher?
    Yes. Edition Songbase Music Publishing is a music publishing company administered by Covesco Music Group.
  • Are the songs protected by copyright?
    Yes. All songs and musical works are subject to German and international copyright law. They may only be used unchanged and the information about the author and publisher must be given at all times and everywhere.
  • Why do I have to register?
    We need to determine that you are a creative professional or freelancer, a band or a music producer. You can also work part-time, but there must be an intention to earn income. Private consumers are not allowed access. We also have to be able to understand who is using our songs in order to check our claims to royalties from the collecting societies.
  • Is membership really free?
    Access to the song database is free. As long as the music is NOT used for so-called sync rights such as film, TV, advertising or for marketing by companies. When used in films for public media companies, different rules apply, as they have concluded a framework agreement with GEMA and GVL.
  • Do I have to pay to use the songs?
    The answer is YES and NO: If you use songs from us, i.e. record them yourself as an artist, band or music producer, you must ALWAYS indicate the authors and publisher. This ensures that our songs are recognized when they are broadcast on the radio or streamed on Spotify & Co. or on YouTube and the authors receive the royalties for them. In this case, you don't pay the royalties, but rather the platforms and stations that broadcast the music. If you have physical recordings made in any form, you must purchase a license for this from GEMA or another collecting society. If you use our music in a film, TV film, series or advertisement, a license must be purchased separately from the music publisher. Please write to us about this.      
  • Who pays for the use of the songs?
      If you use songs from us, i.e. record them yourself as an artist, band or music producer, you must ALWAYS indicate the authors and publisher. This ensures that our songs are recognized when they are broadcast on the radio or streamed on Spotify & Co. or on YouTube and the authors receive the royalties for them. In this case, you don't pay the royalties, but rather the platforms and stations that broadcast the music. If you have physical recordings made in any form, you must purchase a license for this from GEMA or another collecting society. If you use our music in a film, TV film, series or advertisement, a license must be purchased separately from the music publisher. Please write to us about this.
  • More relevant Links

Your obligations as a user of our music

  • What information do we need as a publisher?
    For an exclusive first release, we as a publisher need the following information from you as an artist or from the music producer or label:
    • We need the so-called ISRC code of the recording, i.e. the International Standard Recording Code
    • Name of the artist or band
    • Under what title the song will be released
    • The album of release
    • We need a copy of the recording for the copyright company for audio finger printing
    • The date of the release
  • Mandatory information
    If you have recorded one of our songs and want to publish it, you must always provide the following author information. So-called credits.
    • Name all authors, i.e. composers and lyricists.
    • Name all publishers involved.
    • The label on which the music is released.
    • The music producers who produced the music.
    • The year when the publication takes place.

What is Songbase?

  • What is Songbase?
    On the one hand, Songbase is a music publisher called Edition Songbase Music Publishing and an Internet platform on which creative people such as music artists, singers, bands or music producers can search for songs and license the documents for them.